Dose Coffee - The Daily Driver (250g)
COF-DC-0007The 'Daily Driver' is Dose's everyday sipper that they serve as their house drip in the Dose flagship café (although it works equally well on espresso!). It's aimed at being a comfortable and easy going all-rounder that's great black or with your choice of milk or cream. At the moment, they are using a Fairtrade organic grade 1 from the APROCASJ (Asociacion de Productores Cafetaleros Agroecologicos 'San Juan') of the Cajamarca region in Peru! This organisation supports smallholder producers using good agricultural practices and helping them achieve certification. The Dose team gives tasting notes of cocoa, almond and raisin. It's full bodied and robust in profile but still has delicious sweetness and finesse!

A Beginner's Guide to Choosing Your Next Coffee Bag
With Nick Francisco