Square Mile Coffee

Square Mile Coffee - Red Brick Espresso

Regular price $21.99 USD
Sale price $21.99 USD Regular price $0.00
Tasting Notes: Apple, Chocolate, Cherry, Almond

SQM’s Red Brick blend evolves with each crop cycle to reflect harvest changes and seasonality. This season begins with a blend comprising 75% Costa Rican coffee from Altamira de Chirripó, grown in the Chirripó region and processed as a white honey catuai. Known for its citrus-sweet notes reminiscent of lemon cake, this coffee maintains a balanced profile. The remaining 25% of the blend comes from Guatemala, processed at Las Brisas farm in Jalapa through Marvin Carias and exporter Primavera Coffee’s Café Del Valle project. This part adds a versatile, textured character that complements the Costa Rican component perfectly.

coffee bag size Quantity: 350g
coffee format Format: Roasted Whole Bean
coffee country of origin Origin: Blend
coffee origin type Origin Type: Blend
coffee region Region: Blend
coffee variety Variety: Various
coffee process Process: Blend
caffeine level Caffeine: Full Caffeine
coffee brew method Brew Method: Espresso
coffee roast levelRoast Level: Medium
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