Tim Wendelboe - Finca Bertha
COF-TW-0008This is the fourth harvest from Jobneel’s farm, named after his mother, Bertha, in El Sauce, near Nacimiento. He primarily planted Pacamara and a small amount of Pacas, with quality improving each year. This Pacamara, while subtle in flavour intensity compared to those from Diego at Los Pirineos, features intense dark chocolate notes and a bittersweet finish, emphasizing sweetness and texture. The coffee is selectively hand-picked, sorted, and floated in clean water before being de-pulped. It undergoes dry fermentation for 12-14 hours, followed by rinsing and an additional fermentation of 12-24 hours. After washing, the coffee is dried on raised beds for 14-20 days, sorted for impurities, and then stored in airtight GrainPro bags before milling, vacuum packing, and export.
A Beginner's Guide to Choosing Your Next Coffee Bag
With Nick Francisco