The Perfect Father’s Day Gift Guide

Firstly, I have to confess a vested interest in this guide as I am not only a coffee (and gadget) lover, but I am also father to two boys: 5 and 7.
When it comes to gifts for Father’s Day, it can be a real challenge to find that perfect item (or items!): ones that will not just give temporary pleasure on the day itself, but one that will actually have longevity and will make your dad think of you every day.
To make this really easy for you, and to take all of the guesswork out of it, we’ve put together this selection of amazing items to match your budget and your papa’s preferences - even if, for some abstract reason, he’s not a coffee drinker.
Wes’s Top Picks
I love so many of the things that we carry (no surprise), but here are some of my favourites.
What is it?
Whilst this isn’t a stand alone brewer, it is one of our favourite accessories to one of the most popular brewers out there: the AeroPress. This ingenious attachment allows you to turn the AeroPress into a Kyoto style slow dripper in just a couple of seconds, and have slow drip cold brew in 2.5 - 3 hours. It’s flexible, simple, and has one of the most useful apps I have used in coffee: a drip counter so you can set the correct drip rate for brewing.
Why get it?
Summer is nearly here and this will make a killer cold brew, and has the added benefit of creating a deliciously caffeinated kick to a range of cocktails.
Iconic Coffee Brewing Kit ($112)
What is it?
If there is only one manual coffee brewer you know, it’s probably the Chemex coffee brewer. It’s a classic brewer, designed in 1941, and on permanent display in the Museum of Modern Art in New York as well as having countless cameos in films and on television. Chemex filters are designed to produce delicious coffee with clarity of flavour, and they deliver every time.
We have paired this with one of HARIO's finest grinders: the HARIO Skerton Plus. A high quality, larger volume hand grinder that is a perfect fit for the Chemex.
Why get it?
The classic brewer paired with the perfect grinder. The question should really be why wouldn’t you get it?
Timemore Slim Hand Coffee Grinder (Black - my pick - or gold, $175)
What is it?
Does your Dad use a blade grinder to grind coffee? Or maybe a really cheap burr grinder? Well it’s time to rescue him from himself and get a proper grinder that is designed for the job. Manual grinders can be overlooked, but a high quality one offers much more bang for your buck than an equivalent electric grinder. It also has the added benefit of not taking up space on the counter, being very quiet so as not to wake the family when you have early starts, and being portable (I’ve been known to make coffee on a plane…).
This is a super high quality hand grinder that looks amazing, feels amazing, and grinds coffee exceptionally well. The burrs are super sharp, so it cuts though the coffee beans providing the best ground coffee for brewing. It will grind coffee that is suitable for all methods of brewing, from Turkish and espresso, to drip and French Press.
Why get it?
A good grinder (as long as you have good coffee) will have the biggest impact on taste when it comes to brewing coffee. It’s going to elevate his coffee to the next level and he’ll be eternally thankful. The Timemore is super easy to grind with and looks manly, will grind around 30g of coffee at a time, and is compact and hardwearing.
Lucca M58 ($3800) & Baratza Sette 270Wi ($749)
So, your Dad is incredible - he raised you well, has helped you achieve your dream career, and is naturally photogenic. He even helped you get that first house. It’s payback time, and we have the perfect gift.
What is it?
The Lucca M58 is the pinnacle of home espresso machines. It pulls delicious shots effortlessly, steams beautifully textured milk, and looks sharp on the counter. It can either be plumbed in or it can draw water from its built in tank. Of course, you need to pair it with an equally effective espresso grinder, so in steps the Baratza Sette 270Wi - the only weight based, commercially fast home espresso coffee grinder. It’ll weigh your coffee out precisely and quickly, and look good doing it.
Why get it?
This pair will allow him to make incredible coffee and will last forever. And, of course, you have the added benefit of being made a delicious coffee every time you visit.
We also have three other phenomenal dads - Dan, Jason, and Dale - who work at Eight Ounce, so we thought it prudent to find out what they really want for Father’s Day.
Dan’s Pick
Dan works in Shipping and Receiving at Eight Ounce. He has two boys, aged 9 and 11.
LeverPresso manual espresso maker ($135)
I’d love to make high quality espresso at home, but I spend all of my money on my kids (joke - just 90%). I also want espresso on the go as, in my spare time, I’m a travelling event producer, but most espresso machines don’t fit in my carry on! The LeverPresso makes amazing shots that are as good as ones pulled from home machines and, for the money, is amazing value. Additionally, it makes me feel like Macho Man Randy Savage when I’m pressing down on the levers - Oh Yeahh!
notNeutral Vero Glasses (from $21)
Also, I love the notNeutral Vero glasses as they are super heavy, super high quality, and will go perfectly with the LeverPresso (and my scotch).
Jason’s Pick
Jason is Eight Ounce's Product Manager. He has a girl who is nearly a year old, and a boy who is 5.
As much as I love a good pair of socks or a handmade card, I love reading and learning more about coffee. We carry a nicely curated selection of books and one of my all-time favourites is Everything but Espresso by Scott Rao. If you want to learn how to brew better coffee, this book will give you plenty of ideas and things to think about, whatever your preferred brew method. You can dive deep and get as geeky as you like in this book, but Scott does a good job of simplifying each of the concepts to keep you from getting lost. And you know how you’ve always wanted to learn how to brew coffee on a syphon? Scott walks you through that, too!
Dale’s Pick
Dale runs our Toronto office. He has two girls, aged 7 and 10.
Summer is fast approaching, and a cold glass of iced tea is always welcome on a hot day. The HARIO Filter in Bottle is a convenient and aesthetically pleasing way to brew iced tea and know exactly what’s going in the bottle. Plus, the bottle isn’t too big and my kids are young, so even if it is full, the bottle isn’t too heavy for them to get from the fridge and bring to me if I don’t feel like getting up out of my chair.