Manhattan - Gisele Almeida
COF-MH-0116From a young age, Gisele Almeida was helping maintain his family’s farm in Mata de Minas. After getting married in 2004, Gisele and his brother-in-law planted over 12,00 coffee trees. This earned them enough money to purchase a piece of land where Gisele would go on to plant 8,000 trees which provide his family’s livelihood today. Gisele is currently taking courses with the goal to improve the handling and quality and his coffees. In doing so, he seeks to continue to build a better life for his family by giving more opportunities to his children while delivering a higher-quality product that respects nature. This lot from Gisele is Catimor grown at 600masl and undergoes a natural process.

A Beginner's Guide to Choosing Your Next Coffee Bag
With Nick Francisco