September Coffee Co

September - Jacinto Lozada

Regular price $17.99 USD
Sale price $17.99 USD Regular price $0.00
Tasting Notes: Red berries, Sugar cane, Grapefruit, Rhubarb

In the cup you'll taste juicy red berries like raspberry and strawberry. This coffee has an intense sweetness like sugarcane and a bright grapefruit like acidity. This coffee has a silky body and a clean finish. Jacinto processes his coffee by dry fermenting harvested cherries overnight in open tanks, then de-pulping and sealing them in barrels for 40 hours, followed by washing and drying the parchment on raised beds for up to 18 days. With over 15 years of experience, Jacinto Lozada is a member of “Productores del Futuro” and aims to turn his farm, Finca El Paraiso in Pitalito, Huila, Colombia, into an agro-business. The farm spans 2 hectares at 1,780 m.a.s.l, producing Pink Bourbon and Caturra varieties from about 3,000 coffee trees.

coffee bag size Quantity: 250g
coffee format Format: Roasted Whole Bean
coffee country of origin Origin: Colombia
coffee origin type Origin Type: Single Origin
coffee region Region: Huila
coffee producer/farm Producer: Jacinto Lozada
coffee variety Variety: Caturra/Pink Bourbon
coffee farm altitude Altitude: 1780 meters
coffee process Process: Washed
caffeine level Caffeine: Full Caffeine
coffee brew method Brew Method: Filter
coffee roast levelRoast Level: Light
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